Mike Hrabal
Attorney and Counselor
2501 Parkview, Suite 123
Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Collection Matters

Almost every business runs into the problem of collecting its bills at one time or another. Statistics show that as the amount of time the bill remains due increases the chances of ever collecting the money due decreases. Thus, the “wait and see” approach to collecting your debts can be very harmful. Businesses need to actively initiate a dialog with the debtor and get payment arrangements made as soon as possible so that the debt does not grow too old and stale. 

Mike Hrabal represents many businesses in their debt-collection efforts and offers a fixed fee schedule for collection activities, including litigation. Rather than asking the business to pay for services at an hourly rate, the fixed fee structure allows the business to decide how much money it wants to spend and how aggressively it wants to pursue the debt. From a simple consultation regarding an unpaid bill to comprehensive litigation and post-judgment collection action you can control your collection costs.

Affordable, convenient fixed fee billing can help most businesses get past due bills paid or let them identify debts which are unlikely to ever be paid.

A WORD ABOUT CONTINGENT FEE DEBT COLLECTION: Mike Hrabal does not advocate nor engage in collection efforts for a percentage of the amount recovered. He believes these arrangements have a variety of drawbacks and are unfair to both parties. On the one hand, if the bill can be collected quickly and with very little effort on the attorney’s part the client suffers by losing a fixed percentage of the debt which bears no relation to the amount of work the attorney has actually done. On the other hand, the business has a working relationship with the debtor and has already made a decision about the ability of the debtor to pay. If the business believes that spending additional money on collection is not justified there is no reason for an attorney to accept the risk of pursuing a debtor the business has already determined is not able to make good on the debt. A fair compromise is the fixed fee collection effort offered by Mike Hrabal. The business knows how much it will cost to take actions to collect the debt and the attorney isn’t rewarded with a large percentage recovery for customers who pay their bill in response to collection efforts. 

©2000-2008 Mike Hrabal, Attorney at Law. All Rights Reserved.

Last Updated: December 23, 2008